UGC Introduces New Framework for University-Conducted Exams on SWAYAM Platform
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has unveiled a new framework allowing universities to conduct exams for courses available through the Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) platform. This move aims to improve the accessibility and flexibility of earning academic credits through online education.
Previously, end-term proctored exams for SWAYAM courses were managed by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). Under the new system, students who complete SWAYAM courses can now choose to take their exams at their respective universities.
The updated framework provides additional support to students by enabling them to register through their universities, complete course requirements, and sit for exams conducted by their universities. This new option supplements the existing exam facilities offered by NTA and NPTEL.
Credits earned from these exams will be added to students’ transcripts. UGC Chairman M. Jagadesh Kumar encouraged all higher education institutions to adopt SWAYAM courses and utilize the new framework to enhance learner convenience.
The revised framework also includes provisions for re-examinations, allowing students who missed or did not pass the initial SWAYAM exams to retake them in future semesters. This added flexibility is expected to boost participation in SWAYAM courses and encourage more universities to integrate the UGC Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM.
The UGC’s decision follows numerous state-level awareness meetings and online discussions with higher education institutions over the past year. These discussions underscored the growing interest in adopting SWAYAM courses for credit transfer and the need for a more student-friendly examination process.
To support universities in implementing the new framework, the UGC is providing two additional resources: the ‘Steps for Adopting SWAYAM MOOC Courses’ and the ‘University Dashboard User Guide.’ Additionally, universities are required to appoint a Nodal Officer to oversee registration, examinations, and credit transfers for SWAYAM courses.