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Panjab University granted ‘Category 1’ status by UGC


Chandigarh: The Commission has officially classified Panjab University, Chandigarh, as a ‘Category-l’ university in accordance with regulations. This designation grants the university access to various benefits outlined in Clause 4, including dimensions of autonomy specific to Category-l universities.

In compliance with Regulation 6 of the UGC Regulations, 2018, the university is required to inform the commission of any benefits being implemented and its altered status.

This new status enables PU to introduce new courses, programs, departments, and centers within its jurisdiction without UGC approval. Additionally, PU can establish research parks, incubation centers, and university society linkage centers independently or in collaboration with private partners, without needing approval from the commission. Moreover, the university can offer courses through open and distance learning modes without UGC approval.

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