From Pause to Power – A Womans Story of Balance & Resilience in Marketing

As Women’s Day unfolds, it is a reflection on my 25-year (over 2 decades) professional journey in the dynamic field. Over this span, I have witnessed and experienced not only the evolution of the industry but also the transformative power of personal choices.
During the various campaigns and strategies, a significant phase emerged—a moment where I had to consciously decide to take a break, influenced by personal priorities. This interval, initially perceived as a pause in the professional continuum, unfolded into a prolonged chapter of self-discovery and growth.
Returning to the marketing landscape after this intentional hiatus/break was not without its uncertainties and challenges. As a woman, I realized that despite tall claims of re-entry support, the reality often reveals a lack of substantial backing. Re-entering the fast-paced marketing environment presented challenges, from adapting to industry changes to overcoming the skepticism that sometimes accompanies career gaps. However, these challenges became stepping stones, each one contributing to the richness of my professional journey. The transition back was not seamless, but the unwavering support of mentors played a crucial role. Their understanding of the value of accommodating personal choices within a professional context provided a reassuring environment. It underscored the notion that success is not solely measured by a linear career path but by the resilience displayed in navigating life’s highs and lows.
As we celebrate Women’s Day, this phase of my life symbolizes the strength that comes from aligning professional pursuits with personal values. It’s a tribute to the women who, at pivotal moments, choose to prioritize personal well-being over professional continuity. These choices, often viewed as unconventional, are a testament to the multifaceted lives we lead.
In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” This quote resonates deeply with my journey, as every challenge became an opportunity to reveal my strength and resilience. Here’s to the power of choices, the strength to embrace intervals and the celebration of women who navigate their unique journeys. Happy Women’s Day!
Author: Bindu Arun, Regional Marketing Leader- India & SAARC, GRC, FORESCOUT TECHNOLOGIES
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